Saturday, August 11, 2007

Rhythms and meanings

Oi capoeiristas!

After a little bit of searching about the meaning behind some of the rhythms, I found some information:

Amazonas:A rhythm used by Master Bimba for variation.
Angola:A slow game with lots of ground movements, trickery and specific traditions.
Banguela: Medium paced game
Cavalaria: Developed to warn capoeirista's of arriving police when capoeira was illegal in Brazil.
Idalina: A rhythm used by Master Bimba for variation.
Iuna: Only gradutated students are allowed play, allowing them to demonstrate what they know.
São Bento Grande de Regional: Fast-paced, athletic capoeira created by Master Bimba.
Santa Maria: A rhythm used by Master Bimba for variation.
São Bento Grande de Angola: Medium paced game

(information from

1 comment:

Faisca said...

Hey this is good stuff. Maybe next time you could include a post on how to play the different rhythms.